14 important questions to keep your assets in your bloodline 

Don’t leave your families happiness in the hands of fate!

No one knows what makes your life worth living better than you do.

Let’s face it. Life without money worries is far more enjoyable.

If you can get your money working for you, your happiness won’t be at the mercy of your paycheck. 

After all, it’s not about the balance in your bank account or the value of your investment portfolio that matters.

It’s so much more.

Whether it’s providing opportunities for your children that you never had, building a home to nurture your loved ones, doing daredevil acts around the globe or giving to those less fortunate – it’s your life.

And it counts. 

Ask yourself, what do you need money for over your lifetime?

When you are clear on what makes your life worth living, making financial decisions about it is so much easier.



There are decisions to be made which require compromise and tradeoffs.

Some decisions are easy. Some are really tough.  And some just end up in the ‘too hard basket’.

From our experience, people are happiest when their financial decisions lead them to a better life… not just to having more money.

And that’s where we fit in.